Mini Golf Designers | Putt Putt Golf Course Builder- 609-898-0053

Determining the size of the course:  Do you know what should be the ideal size of the course that you can have at the location that you have chosen? The answer to this question is a certain “NO.” Yes, we will be able to help you upon that also. Deciding upon the size of the golf course will determine the mini golf constructioncosts.

Enable to have the proper design: There are various designs which you can have for your mini golf course. We are the one who can advise you on the design of your golf course. We not only advise you, but we can also build your own putt putt course.

Bring in cost-effectiveness: We are the one who can build you a golf course within your budget. We not always will be buying new items for creating your course. To have cost-effectiveness, we also use household items to build the course. Visit our website


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